Captain Koala's new suit


2009年12月10日 22:57

We all have so many roles in our lives don't we?

Son, daughter, husband, wife, father, mother, employee.

But once a year I get to take on a slightly special role.

I wear a red suit with white trimming, black boots and a belt.

My face is covered in a bushy white beard and I

don a brand new personality as well.

I'm sure you have guessed by now what my new role is.

After all it is nearly Christmas.

That's right, I get to play Santa Claus.

At an event at a well known hotel last night I had a

wonderful time Ho Ho Hoing and handing out gifts to kids

of all ages and of various levels of belief.

There were slightly cynical older children, very young

children who cried at the scary looking stranger and wide

eyed in betweens.

Of course the youngest were the most fun,

with their eyes shining,

and their hands eager to shake Santa's hands and get a

present directly from the "Great man from the North".

It really is the best job in the world.

What a shame it only comes

once a year.

Captain Koala
